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Heures Titre Speaker
8h30-9h00 Home
9h00-9h15 Welcome by the President Roland Rolfo
9h15-9h20 Presentation of the day Jean BARATGIN Frank JAMET
The main overall objective of the project is the development of educational activities aimed at promoting behavioural changes in individual and collective choices and in consumption habits through innovative strategies and methodologies applied to environment and climate goals. The specific objective is to raise awareness - among secondary school students - of critical aspects of Environmental Literacy, while at the same time enhance their ability to evaluate risk, manage uncertainty and develop a critical thinking on this topic. More specifically, all partners will acquire highly skilled strategies to promote cultural and behavioural change and will be able to apply such strategies to the understanding of environmental and climate change. The project will support the diffusion of innovative teaching methodologies, with a special focus on the increase of the capacity of indipendent judgment. The project will also contribute to the reinforcement of a network of international relations organized around the shared interest of environmental education, fostering the diffusion of awareness and the definition of innovative policies among educative institutions.The different communication channels used to promote the EduS4EL project will be presented and shown: from the website created specifically for the project to the various social media profiles used. The web platform, in particular, regularly updated on the project's developments, integrates several important features: it serves to help dissemination, stores documents and other materials generated to support remote consultation and offers virtual communication ways to facilitate networking during and after the project. The web platform also includes a range of cross-disciplinary resources, such as guidelines, educational/training module activities, and valuable links to other relevant experiences in order to engage the users and promote knowledge on environmental issues.
Knowledge about climate change can influence environmental concerns and behavioural adaptation. Several studies highlight that high levels of knowledge about the causes of climate change are correlated with greater concern for climate change. It increases support for climate-friendly decision-making (Luis et al. 2018; Ranney and Clark, 2016; Shi et al., 2016). Knowledge reduces the influence of individualistic ideology and increases the belief that climate change is happening now (Guy et al., 2014; Lammel, 2015; Shi et al., 2015). Education can play an important role in effective adaptation and building resilience to climate risks to assess local risks and determine adaptive capacities. (Perkins et al., 2018; Rumore et al. 2016). Education is the only common predictor according to a 119-country study on public awareness of climate change risks (Lee et al., 2015). The importance of integrating climate science and climate change into the school curriculum is now widely demonstrated and accepted (Hess & Maki, 2019; Lutz et al., 2014). New research in this area proposes innovative pedagogical solutions to help younger generations, students and even adults to understand the very complex phenomenon of climate change (Molthan-Hill et al., 2019). In this presentation, I will first outline the innovative educational approaches: 1/ Integration of the complex system approach (Jacobson et al., 2017); 2/ Connection with the natural domain, with the atmosphere (Körfgen et al, 2017); 3/ Experiential climate change education (Siegner, 2018); 4/ MOOCs; 5/ Informal science education centres (Geiger et al. 2017); 6/.Interpersonal exchanges, including factual communication on climate change (Geiger et al., 2017). In a second step, the Ordinary Scientific Intelligence (OSI 2.0) scale will be presented, which identifies the level of individual knowledge. This tool aims to establish how the level of scientific knowledge is related to the perception of climate change risks (Kahan, 2017).
Annamaria LAMMEL
The planned school interventions are a requirement for the subsequent work with teachers. The interventions are to be examined carefully based on pilot studies at the Widermuth Gymnasium in Tübingen. The talk will describe the first steps for implementing these interventions, which will take place during the present school year. They consist of 3 components, each for two hours. The Math Intervention is dedicated to I) examples of well known natural catastrophes caused by global warming and corresponding data, to be analyzed by means of CODAP II) Basic toold from Risk Literacy III) Games for instruction on the Tragedy of Commons The Biology intervention will consist of 6 hours dedicated to the analysis of dramatic changes in the earth's biodiversity and their consequences
10h20-10h30 Coffee break
The originality of the experiment 'Breathing well in Massy' is based on a feedback from two points of view, on the one hand that of the designer: a mathematics teacher in charge of the discovery workshop, and on the other hand, the testimony of three students of the high school Parc de Vilgenis in Massy (Ile-de-France). The teacher in charge of the project will conclude by explaining how the Pollubike project led the students to take an interest in the quality of air in classrooms with the CO2 project and currently the climate emergency.
Climate is a concept that requires the use of mathematical functions (at least the average) to be constructed, which makes it difficult to tackle head-on at school or college If one simply observes climate facts, one can only refer to written documents or images or multimedia supports, which complicates the scientific approach because one does not have the initial data The aim of this project was to deploy a network of weather stations run by a team of teachers and their classes, which had several goals to combat conspiracy theory by comparing their data with weather data to approach mathematical notions necessary to understand the climate from real-life measurements to make the difference between bias (measurement conditions), error and uncertainty in order to understand the uncertainty of climate projections link the notion of climate change to the experienced climate and to the measurements made use model results for the larger ones (building and running modelling codes is out of bounds but here we are fighting the devastating notion of the black box) the results a mountain of data but heterogeneous multidisciplinary effects progress in infrastructure (weather and IT) awareness beyond the students and teachers involved better acceptance of the efforts to be made to ensure satisfactory resilience.
Gerard VIDAL
Coming Soon
Understanding data on environmental phenomena can be supported by elementary, basic tools, which, on their turn, can be based on simple, transparent softwares, plugins or even apps. My talk addresses some of these tools and exemplifies applications, be it in topics from biodiversity or geographic mutations.
Joachim ENGEL
Roundtable Education and climate change Macchi, Martignon, Taillet, Vidal, Liotier, Engel



Heures Titre Speaker
In classical humanism, man alone is the bearer of values. Hume's law (Hume, 1740) is therefore followed, according to which it is forbidden to deduce what should be from a simple description of what exists, and Moore (1903) denounces the naturalist fallacy that reduces the 'good' to this or that natural structure. In this perspective, ecology takes on a fundamentally normative character. It does not just prohibit, it prescribes. There are, however, other approaches that endow natural entities with an intrinsic value. This is the case of Arne Naess, the founder of deep ecology (1973), for whom the world is not written in mathematical language (unless the world and its representation are confused), or of environmental ethics, following Routley (1973). Thus, after recalling the main elements of the debate, as well as their presuppositions, we will argue in favour of a virtuous ecology, in the sense of the epistemology of virtues, and thus against all forms of abhumanism and anti-nature
The aim of our study is to investigate the influence of teaching on the development of environmental moral judgement in first and second graders. A total of 116 first and second graders participated in the study. We proposed 'moral dilemmas' including different components: nature (fauna and flora), pollution and sorting. The interviews were conducted individually and recorded. The responses were analysed using the interjudge method (Kappa coefficient: 0.85). With regard to the responses, the majority of the children justified their answers according to biocentric reasoning for the first and second graders, regardless of the teaching. It should be noted that there is no difference between the different dimensions. Children are predisposed to environmental morality; teaching reinforces this morality in practical areas.
Coming Soon
For a long time, man - at least in the West - believed himself to be the master and possessor of an infinite nature with inexhaustible resources. The possible end of abundance in the natural environment and the threats to the future of generations to come due to global warming and the resulting disruption have changed our existential relationship with the earth: it is no longer seen only as a res corporalis, but also as an element that underpins our existence, becoming the very condition of that existence. This idea has forced Western societies to change their view of social systems and environmental issues as they relate to law. Climate change is an (almost indisputable) reality facing European states, which has motivated the adoption of non-binding and increasingly binding texts for several years in order to achieve objectives in line with their international commitments through the ratification of international treaties (e.g. the Tokyo and Paris agreements, but also the Aarhus Convention). As regards the legal basis for these actions, although the term 'climate change' does not appear in the Treaties, the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union indicates in its preamble 'responsibilities and duties towards other people, the human community and future generations'. The Charter also requires the Union and its Member States, when acting within the framework of Union law, to adopt an approach to sustainable development based on these rights, while Article 37 stresses the need for 'a high level of environmental protection and the improvement of the quality of the environment to be integrated into the policies of the Union and ensured in accordance with the principle of sustainable development'. The principle contained in this article is itself based on Articles 3(3) of the Treaty on European Union (TEU) and Articles 11 and 191 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU). These legal bases have enabled the adoption of a wide range of policies and tools, including the EU's Sustainable Growth Strategy and the Green Deal. In its 2030 Agenda, the EU defines sustainable development as encompassing three equally important and interrelated dimensions: economic, environmental and social. The EU's commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, identified as the main cause of climate change (the increase in the concentration of these gases in the atmosphere being identified as responsible for global warming), will be particularly highlighted in our presentations, which will also emphasise the difficulties inherent in decision-making at EU level and the nature (and limitations) of these actions. Indeed, the latter are sometimes contested by the various actors who are recipients of them, who find them too difficult to apply (companies deemed to be polluting, for example) or who consider that they are not sufficient (NGOs, environmental protection associations, but also sub-state entities or private individuals).
In the current context of a triple crisis, ecological, social and democratic, the 'public word' seems to be marked by a loss of acceptability. This loss of acceptability has been accelerated by the verticality that has long been present in the relationship between citizens and institutions, as well as in the decision-making and functioning of institutions. Faced with this situation, a change is now taking place in the conception and nature of the legal norm. Technical norms appear to be the symptom of this new dependence of the norm on the environment of its implementation.
15h20-15h30 Coffee break
Fewer sparrows in the city, more large wading birds, ring-necked parakeets competing with jackdaws in the middle of cities, wild boars at the gates of the lecture halls on the Luminy campus. What are the environmental factors that lead to this situation; what are the strategies implemented by certain species to get by? How can certain cognitive abilities be useful in achieving this?
For a long time, the sea was considered to be an auxiliary waste bin: not only was the fate of the waste that disappeared from view considered to be settled, but it was also given a supposed 'self-cleansing power'. However, the Mediterranean, due to its small volume and semi-enclosed configuration, has limited exchanges with the open ocean. Moreover, it functions as a reduced model of an ocean, with significant and rapid exchanges between surface waters and deep waters, and highly variable currents. Consequently, the impacts of our pollution will remain neither local nor superficial ('hot potato' effect), until they potentially return to their area of origin (boomerang effect).
My presentation will focus on the role of the ocean-atmosphere interface, the boundary surface between two fluid media, which constitutes a zone of permanent exchanges of various kinds, in particular aerosols, whose influence on the climate is not yet well known. In the context of the increase in the occurrence of extreme events in the Mediterranean Sea, this presentation will identify the remaining obstacles and uncertainties, such as a better consideration of aerosols and scale factors in particular, on the evolution of climate.
16h50-17h20 Roundtable Knowledge, ethics and law